The Young Female Carpenter
Once upon a time in the Republic of Sierra Leone there was a parliamentarian of the independence era, Madam Ella Koblo Gulama , who was the only female parliamentarian as at the 27 of April, 1961. It is a fact that the promising republic had a woman representing her constituency, a privilege women did not enjoy in other countries seeking independence or had obtained independence. History favours the postulation where the effort of women has brought about great stride in bringing societies to where we have it now, history has also provided sufficient facts where women have brought about the development and progress of the society. This is a candid interview with an inspired and promising young female entrepreneur in Freetown, Zainab Kargbo, who shared her busy schedule from making beds for her customers to seat down for this frank interview with our correspondence, Na’anzem. Zainab Kargbo Zainab with many other b...